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More on Natural Cleaning

Customers often ask us for recommendations on where they can read more about natural cleaning. Here are some of our favorite resources.


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Our Stolen Future
Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski and John Peterson Myers (Plume/Penguin, 1997)
If you only read one book on this list, read this one. It explains how chlorine, dioxin and the whole class of hazardous and carcinogenic toxins cause reproductive, developmental, endocrine and immune system disorders.
Buy from Amazon.com or check it out from AADL.

Living Downstream: An Ecologist Looks at Cancer and the Environment
Sandra Steingraber (Addison Wesley, 1997)
This book is both exhaustively researched and beautifully written. Sandra compellingly documents her case that 80% of all cancer is environmentally related and carefully looks at the chemicals that may be to blame. Highly recommended!
Buy from Amazon.com or check it out from AADL.

Toxic Deception: How the Chemical Industry Manipulates Science, Bends the Law and Endangers Your Health
Dan Fagin, Marianne Lavelle, and the Center for Science in the Public Interest (Birch Lane Press, 1996)
This is an exceptional book that explains in great detail why we can’t depend on the EPA to protect us from dangerous chemicals.
Buy from Amazon.com.

Toxics A to Z: A Guide to Everyday Pollution Hazards
John Harte, Cheryl Holdren, Richard Schneider and Christine Shirley
(University of California Press, 1991)

Buy from Amazon.com.

A Consumer’s Dictionary of Household, Yard and Office Chemicals
Ruth Winter (Crown Publishing, 1992)
Buy from Amazon.com.

Safe Shopper’s Bible: A Consumer’s Guide to Non-Toxic Household Products, Cosmetics and Food
David Steinman and Samuel S. Epstein, MD (Macmillan, 1995)
This book has the most complete evaluation of brand name household products we have ever seen. Highly recommended!
Buy from Amazon.com.

Clean and Green: The Complete Guide to Non-Toxic and Environmentally Safe Housekeeping
Annie Berthold-Bond (Ceres Press, 1990)
Buy from Amazon.com or check it out from AADL.

Better Basics for the Home: Simple Solutions for Less Toxic Living
Annie Berthold-Bond (Three Rivers Press, 1999)
Buy from Amazon.com.

The Green Kitchen Handbook: Practical Advice, References, and Sources for Transforming the Center of Your Home into a Healthful, Livable Place
Annie Berthold-Bond (Harper Perennial, 1997)
Buy from Amazon.com.

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